Officer Term Limits

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  • Michael Skilton
  • Ray Doeksen
  • Co-sponsors welcome


  • Announced:December 24, 2018
  • Language locked: December 26, 2018
  • To be voted on: January 1, 2019
  • Passed January 1, 2019


A person has been nominated and has accepted the nomination to serve a fourth consecutive term as an officer of the corporation. Our current bylaws don't allow this.


This vote proposes to add to the bylaws the following text in the section on [1]

Replace "No officer may serve more than three consecutive terms as an officer." with "No officer may serve more than three consecutive terms as an officer in the same office or more than five consecutive terms as an officer or director."

And the following text in the section on [2]

Add immediately after the existing text "The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the Chief Technical Officer, the Director of Public Relations and two at-large Directors. No director shall be compensated monetarily for his work as a director, although the corporation may provide insurance and indemnity as permitted by Illinois law." "No director may serve more than five consecutive terms as an officer or director."


  • Quorum: 44 = (36 + 100 - 6) * (1/3) = (PS1auth full members + (WA full members - WA suspect full members)) * (1/3)
  • Present:
  • For:
  • Against:
  • Abstain:
