Quarterly Cleanup

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The purpose of the quarterly cleanup is to maintain PS:One facilities and areas. It is especially suited to accomplish tasks that require several people or disrupt normal operating conditions. One of the main goals is to elevate the standard quality of the spaces at PS:One and to prevent/deter decay of communal space and equipment from repeated daily use.


Area hosts involved in the Quarterly Cleanup, should consider shutting down their respective areas for an afternoon from 12pm-6pm. Area hosts should ticket offending materials and projects at least 3 days prior to the event, to comply with Tidy Space policy, and for maximum cleaning power. An announcement of the cleanup will be made at least 1 week in advance of the event, to attract volunteers, as well as advise members that the space will be unusable during the cleanup. Food and beverage will be provided for volunteers as the General Area host allows(cookout/pizza?). Recommended minimum volunteer contribution 1 hour.

Task List

People interested in cleaning up PS:One should add tasks that need to be completed to the area lists below. These list may be better suited for an app like Trello (PS:One's Trello doesn't exist anymore?).

Recurring Maintenance

Area Improvements and Projects

Other Lists

The following link(s) are to other lists that may or may not have tasks that need to be accomplished in the Shop. Ideally, one list each for recurring and non-recurring tasks should exist. Consider merging these lists into the above links.

Shop Improvements

Trello : https://trello.com/pumpingstationone