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This is the MediaWiki Equipment Template, please don't mess with the template (Template:ToolAuthorization) unless you know what you are doing

Template Info

This teplate is to be used on the master auth list for all tool at Pumping Station: One. This should be only used on Authorizations and all other pages can reference to it with {{#lst:Authorizations|authid}}.

  • authid: Short no spaces unique ID used to reference the auth information elsewhere on the wiki, example: woodshopgeneral
  • authorization_name: Name of tool or bundled authorization, examples: BOSS Laser, or General Wood Shop
  • authorizer: Name of authorizer, preferably linked to their wiki user page where they can list off better contact info (like their Discord name), example: [[user:kai_hacker|Kai]]
  • schedule_frequency: Roughly once a week, month, by request, etc
  • discord_channel_link: Right click the channel name to get a link, example: https://discord.com/channels/1270929620224704544/1270938360394809489
  • discord_channel_name: #arts-general
  • step1: Optional: Free text fields to provide steps needed to complete, links to sign-up forms, Canvas, etc
  • step2: Optional: Free text fields to provide steps needed to complete, links to sign-up forms, Canvas, etc
  • step3: Optional: Free text fields to provide steps needed to complete, links to sign-up forms, Canvas, etc
  • description: Optional: Free text fields to provide steps needed to complete, links to sign-up forms, Canvas, etc
Copy and pasta this into the appropriate area section of Authorizations
|authid = 
|authorization_name = 
|authorizer = 
|schedule_frequency = 
|discord_channel_link = 
|discord_channel_name = 
|step1 = 
|step2 = 
|step3 = 
|description = 

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