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In no particular order and very few dates, a few of the things [[greetermon]] has said in [[IRC|#pumpingstationone]] that entertained us.
In no particular order and very few dates, a few of the things [[greetermon]] has said in [[IRC|#pumpingstationone]] that entertained us.
    < sparr> most commonly apparent as a shift from 'safety third' to 'safety first' mindsets, often involving insurance
  < sparr> most commonly apparent as a shift from 'safety third' to 'safety first' mindsets, often involving insurance
    < greetermon> family doesn't do static typing, people develop a lot of fucking bots
  < greetermon> family doesn't do static typing, people develop a lot of fucking bots
  < grumpermon> gentoo and breaking the shit shit of that fuck.
    < grumpermon> gentoo and breaking the shit shit of that fuck.
  < bry> he doesn't care like the lead guy does
  < greetermon> devs says you shouldn't drink for 6 hours before and saved $20 on theater tickets for a better chance if I can dig it
    < bry> he doesn't care like the lead guy does
    < greetermon> devs says you shouldn't drink for 6 hours before and saved $20 on theater tickets for a better chance if I can dig it
     <+Toba> but the ui paradigms on android and ios arent that similar in some ways
     <+Toba> but the ui paradigms on android and ios arent that similar in some ways

Revision as of 17:45, 24 April 2015

<greetermon> neat idea for an supplementary page

In no particular order and very few dates, a few of the things greetermon has said in #pumpingstationone that entertained us.

 < sparr> most commonly apparent as a shift from 'safety third' to 'safety first' mindsets, often involving insurance
 < greetermon> family doesn't do static typing, people develop a lot of fucking bots
 < grumpermon> gentoo and breaking the shit shit of that fuck.
 < bry> he doesn't care like the lead guy does
 < greetermon> devs says you shouldn't drink for 6 hours before and saved $20 on theater tickets for a better chance if I can dig it
   <+Toba> but the ui paradigms on android and ios arent that similar in some ways
   < greetermon> French schools, they teach it different
   14:38:57 < bjonnh> youtube suggests me "how to poop while standing"
   14:38:57 < greetermon> ask questions the smart way"
   14:39:04 < bjonnh> yep
   < agocs> !feature !weather should simply say "wear pants" or "don't wear pants"
   < bjonnh> I was thinking of drone radio system
   <+kuroishi> i took my kids to go see the pig yesterday
   < greetermon> this conversation to its obvious conclusion

   < greetermon> the space can reach the domain controller so that the last letter of the string
                   is in column 70 of the programs at my old job in order to keep bringing people back
   <+kuroishi> greetermon: you stay the fuck away from the domain controller.
   <+kuroishi> when I said low power replacement server hardware, I really meant $1737.62 worth of embedded linux computers.
   < greetermon> hope I made my boss's boss as sad as he deserves to
   < `justin> my company is outsourcing recruiting
   < sylphiae> oh no
   < greetermon> it's a different entrance to the company (like 15 people) saying "Ha ha, very funny". That prompted 
           the office admin / self appointed HR / killer of fun to threaten to go over
   < chronmon> Good morning, cube dweller. What feature are you dreaming up today?
   < greetermon> cube dweller. What feature are you working down town?  (even if you can't help but criticize people whose multi-page 
                           resume has a paragraph that rolls over just one line in a bind
   < chronmon> !feature cube dweller. What feature are you working down town?  (even if you can't help but criticize people whose 
                         multi-page resume has a paragraph that rolls over just one line in a bind
   < minivanmegafun> but yeah my last job still had some linux 2.2 stuff hanging around
   < greetermon> crap right there and then :-
   < greetermon > words mean shitass
   < skay> I juju deploy rabbitmq-server whenever I need it
   < bry> it sort of sounds like y'all are doing voodoo with food
   <+Toba> haha
   < bry> and animal sacrifice
   < asl2> the combination of rabbitmq and celery is particularly apropos
   < greetermon> hack value, inscrutablity,
   < `justin[lame]> Cow Office Hours
   < sylphiae> do i get to tip cows during COO
   < greetermon> come up with that can do with openstack (if you manage to put our corrupt governors in prison
   21:21:45 < jackhholmes> Bioguy: from what I can tell, FB points to an old DNS
                           cache that referencing was wordpress.
   21:22:58 < jackhholmes> I also might be spewing BS I dunno
   21:22:59 < greetermon> the magic incantations to do that at work for a
                          non-profit called Public Lab, we are looking to move out
                          here spittin, cussin, pissin, smokin' and drinkin'"
   < Groove72> Peace and love to all you groovy people.   
   < greetermon> your questions is essentially impossible, which is why there are
                 no official feature classification standards. See, isn't  science
   < kuroishi> and while we're at it, 3d printers should be more like makers.
   < NegativeK> Someone please hack the CubePro to act like it's high on its own filament.
   < greetermon> the list of "bad ways to accomplish this", though.
   <greetermon> You are really just Cleaning Power.
   [13:41:37] *** Joins: RebeccaReinhardt (48b676d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
   [13:41:44] <RebeccaReinhardt> Hello out there!
   [13:41:49] <kuroishi> hi RebeccaReinhardt 
   [13:42:04] <NegativeK> kuroishi: Because hammers don't work in reverse.
   [13:42:32] <kuroishi> NegativeK: bullshit, I pounded it into there I can pound it out again
   [13:42:43] <NegativeK> Mmmmmmmhmm.
   [13:43:12] <t_j> NegativeK: there is a reason hammers are called irish screwdrivers,
                    they work perfectly in both directions
   [13:43:18] <kuroishi> hah
   [13:43:39] <RebeccaReinhardt> I am sorry if this is not the right place to ask-- I work
                                 at a large scale 3D printing company, I was wondering if I
                                 could email the manager or someone who would like to talk
                                 to me about what we do
   [13:43:44] <t_j> also if you have a hammer everything looks like a nail
   [13:43:57] <kuroishi> RebeccaReinhardt: sure, email info@pumpingstationone.org
   [13:44:02] <NegativeK> RebeccaReinhardt: We're a bit too intentionally disorganized to have a manager.  
   [13:44:02] <greetermon> non-profit environmental group that works to build open source
                           3d printed gun really fucked up yet. How will you fuck it all up
                           and maybe making a round-robin binging connect/disconnect noise when they
   [13:44:06] <t_j> bahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah
   [13:44:08] <NegativeK> But info@ is a good email to reach out to.
   [13:44:10] <kuroishi> hahahahhaha
   [13:44:21] <t_j> or the public list
   [13:45:44] <RebeccaReinhardt> Alright, I emailed that address last week so you've got my
                                 contact info there. Reach out to me if you want to connect!
   [13:45:47] <RebeccaReinhardt> Thank you!
   [25 22:06:45] <+Toba> i wonder when greetermon will spit something out
   [25 22:06:51] <+Toba> that is such a good idea
   [25 22:06:54] <+Toba> that someone actually builds it
   [25 22:06:54] < greetermon> ate your cream
   [10:26:54] <`justin> your trying to hard to make divisions between different
                        groups of people in that sentence (who do not form actual
                        mutually exclusive groups)
   [10:27:05] <`justin> and then claim that it's some sort of social injustice
   [10:27:05] <greetermon> I will use my time machine to go kill
   <greetermon> want to drive membership, a laser engraver will do
   09:33:13 < `justin> !feature
   09:33:16 < sudlowbot> YOUR FEATURE REQUEST HAS BEEN NOTED
                          REQUEST HAS BEEN