Talk:Vote to rework membership points

From Pumping Station One
Revision as of 17:55, 16 October 2014 by Hef (talk | contribs)

Brain dump:

  • skip the discount - that seems like a nightmare to manage
    • removing, it has not been successfully in the past --Hef (talk) 11:58, 16 October 2014 (CDT)
  • qualify "currently $30" with a date
    • I am going to remove it entirely --Hef (talk) 11:58, 16 October 2014 (CDT)
  • onus of claiming points MUST be on member - contact board by current method (currently info@) within 1 month of event
    • Noteing onus on member --Hef (talk)
    • ignoring 1 month, as the practice is up to the BoD --Hef (talk) 12:01, 16 October 2014 (CDT)
  • expiry is hard to track --Dbever (talk) 02:18, 30 July 2014 (UTC)

Things that Get Member points

Sample text for supplementary wiki page: "Things that Get member points"

All member points awarded are at the discretion of the Board of Directors, but they are generally nice people that want to see the space improved.


  • Any class with 5 or more people
  • Any event open to the public with 10 or more attendees
  • Authorizing 4 people on the Shopbot. Does not need to be concurrent.
  • Authorizing 1 person on the Mill.
  • Authorizing 5 people on the laser engraver. Does not need to be concurrent.
  • Authorizing 5 people on the SEM.
    • The prerequisite SEM class is separate, and may receive a point independently.

Bringing in Donations

  • 1 point for the first $100 worth of value, and 1 point for each $200 worth of value after that.
  • Donations may be cash or equipment. The BoD get's to decide the value of equipment.

Additional Considerations for Member points

  • Arranging for external instruction at PS:One
  • Dealing with large, and or complicated Messes or problems at PS:One.
  • Infrastructure improvements.
    • Facility repair and maitiance
    • Arranging for Contractors to repair/maintain PS:One

Assisting Area Hosts

  • Area hosts are actively encouraged to recommend members for member points.


  • Writing 3 blog posts.
    • Creating a Project Pumping Station: One that goes viral, or gets syndicated on other hacker news sites.
      • There will be a lot of board discretion exercised on this.