Talk:Vote to rework membership points

From Pumping Station One
Revision as of 17:42, 16 October 2014 by Hef (talk | contribs) (→‎Things that Get Member points: new section)
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Brain dump:

  • skip the discount - that seems like a nightmare to manage
    • removing, it has not been successfully in the past --Hef (talk) 11:58, 16 October 2014 (CDT)
  • qualify "currently $30" with a date
    • I am going to remove it entirely --Hef (talk) 11:58, 16 October 2014 (CDT)
  • onus of claiming points MUST be on member - contact board by current method (currently info@) within 1 month of event
    • Noteing onus on member --Hef (talk)
    • ignoring 1 month, as the practice is up to the BoD --Hef (talk) 12:01, 16 October 2014 (CDT)
  • expiry is hard to track --Dbever (talk) 02:18, 30 July 2014 (UTC)

Things that Get Member points

Sample text for supplementary wiki page: "Things that Get member points


  • Any class with 5 or more people
  • Any event open to the public with 10 or more attendees
  • Certifying 4 people on the Shopbot
  • Certifying 1 person on the Mill

Bringing in Donations

  • 1 point for the first $100 worth of value, and 1 point for each $200 worth of value after that.
  • Donations may be cash or equipment. The BoD get's to decide the value of equipment.

Additional Considerations for Member points

  • Arranging for external instruction at PS:One
  • Dealing with large, and or complicated Messes or problems at PS:One.
  • Infrastructure improvements.
    • Facility repair and maitiance
    • Arranging for Contractors to repair/maintain PS:One

Assisting Area Hosts

  • Area hosts are actively encouraged to recommend members for member points.