MakerBot Replicator

From Pumping Station One

MakerBot Replicator Area: {{{hostarea}}}

MakerBot Replicator
Owner/Loaner PS:One
Serial Number 8044
Make/Model Makerbot
Arrival Date October 2012
Usability WORKING (right extruder only)
Contact Colin Parsons
Where 2nd Floor
Authorization Needed NO
Hackable NO
Estimated Value $2000
Host Area {{{hostarea}}}


7/2/13: Right extruder only for now

How To Use

If you get stuck and can't find the information you need on this page, google is your friend. So is [1]. There's a lot of information on this machine out there, so don't be afraid to do some research. It'll be fun. Plus, you can come back here and contribute your findings.

Machine-specific manufacturer's support page at [2]

Get a Thing to print

Download something from Thingiverse, or some other website, or design a Thing using 3D modeling software. // list some free 3D CAD programs

Your Thing should be a "watertight", solid model in STL format (binary or ASCII, doesn't matter).

Slice Your Model

You'll need to turn your 3D model into toolpaths that the printer understands. This involves "slicing" your model into a bunch of layers. To do this we'll need some software.

It's best to stick with MakerWare. There are plenty of other options which you can try if you're adventurous, but MakerWare has been developed by MakerBot to provide an easy experience with the Replicator.

Once you've got MakerWare downloaded and installed, follow these basic steps:

  1. Drag and drop your STL into the model environment
  2. Use the "Move", "Rotate", and "Scale" functions to alter your model as needed (remember to click "View" before trying to rotate the view again)
  3. Click on your model, and select your extruder under the "Object" menu on the bottom left (make sure to use the right extruder while the left one isn't working)
  4. Click "Make"
  5. Select "Export to a File", and export for "The Replicator (Dual)"
  6. The 3 default profiles (low, standard, high) are a good place to start (but keep in mind that the "high" setting will take much longer to slice)
  7. Make sure "Raft" is selected
  8. If your model has significant bridges or overhang, make sure "Supports" is also selected

Loading a file in the printer

  1. Turn on the machine using the switch on the back
  2. Put in the SD card
  3. From the main menu, select "Build from SD"
  4. Select your file

The machine will now detect its limits, start preheating the extruder, and then print your thing!

The SD Card doesn't work, what should i do?

  1. The machine is designed to take SD cards 2GB or smaller that are formatted with a FAT16 file system.
  2. Check the file system on the card you are using.
  3. for MAC OSX there are instructions here: [3]
  4. if that doesn't work, there is a formatting utility from SD that can be downloaded here: [4]

Tips and Tweaks

Make sure the build platform is leveled

Part not sticking?

After making sure the build platform is leveled, a good solution is to increase the temperature of the build platform. In the "gcode" tab in ReplicatorG, change the text to set the bed temperature to 118ºC instead of 110º. There will be a line near the top of the file like this:

M109 S110 T0 (set HBP temperature)

Change it to:

M109 S118 T0 (set HBP temperature)

It might also say T1 instead of T0, but the important thing is that it is set to 118º. Save the file once you've made the changes, then proceed to save it as an S3G for the SD card.

Preheat while slicing your model

This is activated from a menu on the Replicator's front LCD and control buttons.