2010 Votes

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This page serves as a record of official votes by the members of Pumping Station: One:

Upcoming Votes

Reference Date Description Sponsor Yea Nay Present
MV.## 2010-##-## Description Name - - -

Past Votes

Reference Date Description Sponsor Yea Nay Present
MV.1 2010-01-26 Election of Sacha for President - 18 - -
MV.2 2010-01-26 Election of Jeff for Vice President - 18 - -
MV.3 2010-01-26 Election of Sarah for Secretary - 19 - -
MV.4 2010-01-26 Election of Ishmael for Teasurer - 19 - -
MV.5 2010-01-26 Election of Jordan for Director of PR - 13 - -
MV.6 2010-01-26 Election of Josh for CTO - 11 - -
MV.7 2010-01-26 Election of Ryan for CTO - 14 - -
MV.8 2010-01-26 Election of Ryan for Director at Large - 8 - -
MV.9 2010-01-26 Election of Tim for Director at Large - 16 - -
MV.10 2010-01-26 Election of Jim for Director at Large - 20 - -
MV.11 2010-03-02 Licensing of Content: Creative Commons by-nc-sa Sacha 9 9 0
MV.12 2010-04-06 "It's all fun and games untill someone loses an eye" Tim 24 0 0
MV.13 2010-04-06 Proposal for negotiating and signing a lease extension on our current location Sacha 24 0 0
MV.14 2010-04-06 Proposal for moving forward with application for 501c3 tax exempts status Ishmael 24 0 0
MV.15 2010-06-01 Use PS:One funds ($375) to buy t-shirts Jordan N/A N/A N/A
MV.16 2010-07-06 Clear WiMax Sponsorsip Sacha 16 2 4
MV.17 2010-07-06 Dissolution Clause Ishmael 23 0 0
MV.18 2010-07-13 PR Budget Sarah 15 0 0
MV.19 2010-07-13 PPPRS DieHard Sponsorship Jim 22 0 0
MV.20 2010-07-20 Election of Jim for Vice President - 3 - -
MV.21 2010-07-20 Election of Anne for Vice President - 13 - -
MV.22 2010-07-20 Election of Paul for Vice President - 0 - -
MV.23 2010-07-20 Election of Jeff for Vice President - 0 - -
MV.24 2010-07-27 VIMBY Proposal Jordan 15 0 0
MV.25 2010-08-10 Contract Expedience Clause Nathan 12 3 4
MV.26 2010-08-30 Member Rewards Amendment Sacha 14 0 0
MV.27 2010-09-14 Projector Purchase Matthew 15 0 4
MV.27B 2010-10-12 Officer eligibility -- 18 0 2
MV.28 2010-11-16 Moving to who cares where Tim 18 2 1