BOSS LS-3655 150w Laser Engraver

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BOSS LS-3655 150w Laser Engraver Area: Lasers

BOSS LS-3655 150w Laser Engraver
Owner/Loaner PS:One
Make/Model BOSS LS-3655 150w
Arrival Date January 2017
Usability yes
Contact Lasers Area Host
Where CNC Shop
Authorization Needed yes
Hackable no
Estimated Value $17,000
Host Area Lasers


The BOSS LS-3655 is an industrial CO2 laser engraver with a 35.4" x 55.1" bed, supporting over-sized material pass-thru on four sides and up to 7 inches of table depth. Originally shipped with 100W tube, but that has been replaced with 150W tube in May, 2017.

Machine dimensions are 82" x 57" x 45".






  • The software that drives the Boss laser from the attached computer is called RDWorksV8, the version that is appropriate to use is 8.01.18. That is not the most recent version of the software, but it is the most recent approved version for PS1. It is available for free download if you'd like to set up your files prior to coming to use the laser.
  • If you are having issues with loading RDWorks files, verify that you are using the correct version of the software as they are not backwards compatible.
  • If RDWorks is missing from your start menu or desktop, or your old shortcut to RDWorks doesn't work, you can find the program at start/C:/Program Files/RDWorks. You can open the program by clicking the RDWorksV8 application in that folder.
    • DO NOT MOVE THAT APP TO YOUR OWN DESKTOP. or everyone will lose access to it.
    • If you'd like to add a shortcut to your desktop right click on the application>create shortcut and place the shortcut on your desktop.


  • Lightburn is a paid/licensed software and is very similar to RDWorks but with a cleaner user experience and improved set of features.
  • Computer updates can sometimes wipe the license. You can reactivate the local license using the copy of the license found on the root of the C:\ drive of the Boss' computer.
Device Setup:

You will need to add the machine settings to Lightburn to communicate with the Boss.

In the Laser panel in the lower left corner click on Devices

In the popup window click Create Manually.

  • The controller type is Ruida.
  • The connection type is Serial/USB.
  • Give the device a name "Boss"
  • The work area is X: 1400mm Y: 900mm.
  • The machine origin is the Right Rear.

Once you create the device configuration and the machine is turned on Lightburn should display Ready just above the Pause button.

Usage Policy

The laser cutter is easily one of the most used machines at PS1. Due to this demand we request the cooperation of all members to share the laser cutter and associated computer. First and foremost, the practice "being excellent" should be observed at all times; respect yourself, other members, and the equipment. This is a usage policy so that everyone can use the laser:

  • Any user not actively test cutting or cutting will cede the computer and laser to the next person waiting in line, as soon as that waiting user notifies the current computer user. If you are still designing your file, please do so on another computer. Artastic (another PC upstairs) in the Crafts Area also has a copy of Adobe Illustrator.
  • If someone is waiting in line to use the laser, no active test cut or cut series shall be longer than 1 hour. No jobs will be allowed to start that overrun the 1 hour time limit when a new user is waiting.
  • In the case that your last cut is longer than the 1 hour time limit, and a waiting user presents themselves after the cut has started, the cut job shall be allowed to finish and the waiting user will be allowed to set up their file in their own user account, during the cutting period.
  • Continuous cutting shall not exceed 3 consecutive hours without a half hour break for the laser to cool. If a new user arrives before or during the cooling period the current user shall cede the laser to the next user, and the next user will wait for the cooling period to finish and the cooling period shall not count towards the 1 hours limit should another user present themselves.
  • Waiting users shall notify the current user verbally that they are waiting and where they will be waiting until it is their turn. If multiple users are waiting, the next waiting user must start their test cutting or cut job within 10 minutes of being notified of a laser opening. The current user will keep a record of who is waiting, where they will be, and notify subsequent users of the status of the queue. The current user will find the next waiting user and verbally inform them that the laser is available.


Authorization for the laser is not virtual, meaning you must fill out this Sign Up Form to schedule an onsite authorization.

The laser volunteers will be notified automatically after the form is submitted. You will then be contacted when the next authorization is scheduled. (approx. every 2 weeks at the authorizers discretion)

If no authorizations are scheduled in the next 30 days, then post on #lasers slack channel; look for a recent thread about laser authorizations and post there.

Please review the wiki and the reference materials before attending an authorization.

If you have other questions after the reviewing the wiki and reaching out on #lasers slack channel please contact

Area Host

Volunteer authorizers:

  • Jeff Zelnio

Preparing yourself to become authorized

You need a few things to optimize and expedite your experience:

  • 1. Know what you're doing as best as you can - come pre-trained on your own time to make the authorization go smoother and faster.
  • 2. Have a PS1 username set up before starting the authorization
  • 3. Have some familiarity with the kinds of files you would bring to the Boss to cut.

To that end; you could download and become familiar a bit with RDWorks, the software you will use to drive the Boss. Links are on this page. You can read a bit of the manual, which is also linked on this page, or watch some YouTube videos.

Bring files in from Adobe Illustrator in Illustrator format, with lines set to have SOME sort of stroke, I'd recommend 1 point stroke, and some simple color applied to the stroke for each "layer" you want to have in RDWorks. You will want to have one color/layer assigned for each type or strength of cut/engrave you'll be doing in that job. For instance, you might want a deep engraving, a shallow engraving, a cut that goes all the way through the material and maybe a cut that just barely touches the top surface (called a 'kiss cut) and that would mean you would need four distinct colors of stroke used in your file. You should investigate the usefullness of SVG, DXF and DWG files as well, but Illustrator files will give you the best first experiences.

Authorizations will be limited to small groups, e.g. 4 or less, due to nature of the equipment.


  • Grinding noise; TBD; was grinding, but grinding stopped once the head was moved away from the sensors and the machine restarted.
  • There is a small yellow proximity sensor just behind and to the right of the "head" when it returns to home position.
  • If the sensor gets pushed out of position, off at an angle, then the grinding will happen. If you return it to vertical, this will stop and it will return to home without complaining.
  • RDWorks is already installed on the machine for everyone to use, but you might have to find it by clicking Start/C:/Program Files/RDWorks and add a shortcut to your own desktop, start menu, or taskbar.
  • Don't move the RDWorks instance that you find ... you will disable other users' shortcuts that they've made on their desktop, start menu or taskbar. If you can't get the instance to work, get help from an admin; it's probably been moved somewhere awkward by another user.
  • Software requests an admin password; you may be using the most current version of the RD Works software, but maybe you shouldn't.
  • The current version has some bugs, evidently, so use the tip hidden below under "resources" to fix the problem for you.
  • You should be using RDWorksV8, version 8.01.18
  • If the language for RDWorks (the Boss control software) is showing garbage, follow this video.

Power-On & Safety Check

  1. Check Wiki for status updates
  2. Check if material is safe to cut: refer to the wiki for a list of safe and unsafe materials for cutting
  3. Check Fire Extinguisher: Make sure it is close by and charged
  4. Release Emergency Stop: Rotate red button until it releases
  5. Turn Power Key: Display will load up
  6. Turn on Air Assist & Chiller: Flip the switch and ensure exhaust & chiller are on and functioning. Double check chiller temp with laser temp.
  • RD Works
  1. Load Program & Check USB Connection Status
  2. Importing Files: Importing AI, DXF, SVG, & images
  3. Introducing User Interface: quick review of UI including Drawing, Grouping, Preview, Work Tab, Layers, Laser Work, & Head Position
  4. Detailed Overview of Work Tab: major cutting settings & parameters reside here
  5. Starting a Job
  6. Saving a File
  • Boss Laser Operation
  1. LED Keypad Overview
  2. Adjusting the Z-Height: raise and lower bed
  3. Autofocus: Setting focal height for material
  4. Setting Origin
  5. Jogging the Laser Head in XY
  6. Adjusting High Pressure Air Regulator: Changing the compressed air flow
  7. Loading a File via USB Port
  8. Load & Unload honeycomb
  9. Cleaning Up & Clearing Catch Tray
  • Individual Walkthrough: each member is required to perform the following:
  1. Start-Up the machine
  2. Turn on exhaust, air-assist, & chiller
  3. Place Material, autofocus, set origin
  4. Load RDworks, create 3 layers (Cut, Scan, Dot) & run laser job
  5. Shutdown machine & clear catch tray


Laser Settings Page

  • Honeycomb vs. Aluminum Lamella : The honeycomb is used for engraving and pieces that benefit from precise leveling. Use the aluminum lamella (slats under honeycomb) for cutting through to reduce flashback and improve airflow (warning small pieces will fall through).
  • 4" Lens Focus Depth 38.5mm (this is a just an approximate, FD calibration must be performed each time the lens is changed)
  • 2" Lens Focus Depth 5.3mm (this is a just an approximate, FD calibration must be performed each time the lens is changed)


Boss Usage

Boss Maintenance

Powering On Machine

  • Check Fire Extinguisher
  • Release Emergency Stop button
  • Turn power key
  • Turn on air assist & water chiller Switch & ensure both are functioning
  • Turn on exhaust switch and ensure it is functioning. (Gray Switch to the left of the machine)

Powering Off Machine

  • Turn key to off position, leave key in the lock
  • Push emergency stop button in
  • Turn the chiller, blower and air assist off using the main switch (switch with identifying lasercut plate)
  • Reset the area by cleaning up any stray cut materials. Clean and straighten the area around the laser.

Material Safety & Information

WARNING: Because many plastics are dangerous to cut, it is important to know what kind you are planning to use. If you are unsure of your materials composition, don’t cut it with the laser. You can request a SDS from your material supplier for specific information on the plastic you have or are considering using.


    • Any material containing chlorine:
      • PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)
      • Vinyl
      • Pleather
      • Artificial leather
    • Plastics:
      • Polycarbonate/Lexan – [Thick ( >1mm )]
      • ABS
      • HDPE/milk bottle plastic
    • Foams:
      • PolyStyrene Foam
      • PolyPropylene Foam
      • Gatorfoam (fire prone)
      • PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol)
    • Other:
      • Epoxy
      • Fiberglass
      • Coated Carbon Fiber
      • Any foodstuff ( such as meat, seaweed 'nori' sheets, bread, tortillas... )

Safe Materials for Cutting

    • Plastics:
      • Acrylic (also known as Plexiglas, Lucite, PMMA)
      • Delrin (POM, acetal)
      • Kapton tape (Polyimide)
      • Mylar (polyester)
      • Nylon – melts badly
      • Styrene
      • Two-tone acrylic – top color different than core material, usually for custom instrumentation panels, signs, and plaques.
    • Foam:
      • Depron foam – often used for RC planes.
      • EPM
      • Gator foam – foam core gets burned and eaten away compared to the top and bottom hard shell. (Removed due to fire prone)
    • Other:
      • Cloths (leather, suede, felt, hemp, cotton)
      • Papers
      • Rubbers (only if they do not contain chlorine Teflon (PTFE, Polytetrafluoroethylene)
      • Woods (MDF, balsa, birch, poplar, red oak, cherry, holly, etc.)

Aligning Materials

    • The table is not aligned with the laser's X-Y axis
    • To align your material use the laser pointer by holding one axis constant while moving along the other axis to align corners of your material

Laser Materials and the Woodshop Table-Saw Saw-stop

  • Conductive materials such as aluminum and other metals, carbon fiber materials, mirrored acrylic, carbon-filled materials, etc. will typically cause the brake to activate.
  • Carbon from lasered wood or lasered plywood is also conductive and will trigger the saw stop. do not use the table saw to cut your material. Once you have lasered a piece of wood,
    • The band saw can be used instead for both mirrored acrylic and lasered wood. Use safety goggles when using the bandsaw in general, but especially when using it to cut acrylic. (NOTE: authorization is required for the table saw and the bandsaw, so attending a woodshop authorization might be a good idea).


The proprietary LaserWORKS software can be downloaded from BOSS here - However, the current version (8.01.28) of the laser software seems to require admin rights every time it's used. So instead you may want to download the 8.01.18 version of the software until this is fixed.

Manuals for the BOSS laser and the LaserWORKS software are located here -

BOSS test files are available here

Some laser settings from Boss

Excellent Facebook Group for RDWorks Tips and help

Forum for RDworks user group

Engraving a curved surface

  • Engraving a flask
  • There is thought to be a BOSS rotary attachment to assist with working with curved surfaces, but have yet to find it.

Youtube Channels

Following are a couple good YouTube Channels with lots of information on the software and machine

Cleaning, Alignment & Maintenance

General info below. More here:

  • Clean out air filter once a week using the Shopvac.
  • Sometimes the nozzle itself can get clogged with soot & debris so make sure to clean that out as well.
  • Advanced maintenance is performed by trained volunteers. Please do not attempt to align or diagnose the Boss unless you have clearance from the Laser Area Host.

Alignment Links


List of Currently Authorized Users

Qualified Member Trained By Date
Nikolas Gamarra Jeff Z 9/5/2019
Andrew Camardella Danger Committee
Matt Keith Danger Committee
Sky Nova Danger Committee
Jason Araujo Danger Committee
Ray Doeksen Danger Committee
Matt Meshulam Danger Committee
Ashish Jasani Danger Committee
Joe Juhnke Ashish Jasani
Casey Olson Ray Doeksen
Andrew Vaughan Burton Kent
McTavish McArdle Burton Kent
Erik Wessing Ray Doeksen
Theo T Ray Doeksen
Molly Adamski Joe Juhnke
Brantley Harris Ray Doeksen
Amir Badri Sky Nova
Aaron Carlock Jeff Z
Gabe Tavas Joe Juhnke
Sam Dreyer Jeff Z
Stephanie Pelzer Jeff Z
Nick Prorok Jeff Z 3/02/2018
Alisha Ciardi Burton Kent 03/2018
Bao Nguyen Zander Bueno 05/04/2018
Chris Laurent Jeff Z 07/06/2018
Jake Chaitkin Nick Prorok 2018-07-09
Aidan Fowler Ray Doeksen 2018-08-02
Farsheed Hamidi-Toosi Jeff Z 2018-10-03
Oliver Sanchez Jeff Z 2018-12-19
Alex Biardo Jeff Z 03/06/19
Greg Bell Jeff Z 03/23/19
Paul Ocampo Jeff Z
Rob German Jeff Z 09/19/19
Connar Rosebraugh Jeff Z 10/03/19
Ellen Lustig Jeff Z 10/21/19