Board Meeting Notes 2013-07-09

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Board Meeting Minutes
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Meeting start: 7:10


Board Members

  • Eric
  • Bry
  • Jesse
  • Hailey
  • Farkas
  • Josh
  • Adam

Other Members

  • Hef
  • Sacha


  • go over minutes from last meeting, do they look correct?
  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check the inbox weekly.
  • Member leaving reason report
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.
  • new business
  • old business

New Business

  • Situation with parking and dispute with neighbors out back night of June 7, determine what occurred and how we should react.
  • Give kitchen area host a budget?
  • Membership points for Rhonda Jackson and Dillon Gray for helping out at ALA conference for six hours
  • There is attendance, membership reports, and time entered into last weeks minutes, but no minutes. Is it in a text doc someone still has (asks Hailey)

Old Business


  • Status of money owed by the old landlord. (Eric). We are working on sending information to a separate attorney.
  • move the annual meeting to november in the bylaws.
    • Handling as part of the new bylaws.
  • Go over the "Things the next board should deal with" list from the meeting of the 15th, it has a lot of stuff we have to be aware of.


  • read mail
  • bry still has minutes from last week in her computer
  • safe space- Jesse says its pretty much done and she and kathy worked on a minors policy last night
  • jesse says we should read over safe space and minors proposal is almost ready- she wants it up for a vote next week- she will put it on the wiki today
  • Steve goes over financial report
  • Steve changed the customer service number for paypal to himself
  • no progress on cameras
  • no progress on job board
  • jesse brings up dongle vs ID cards- shes on the side of adopting the dongles instead since we already have them and ID cards are more expensive. We can pair photos and info digitially that can be stored on the dongle and scanned to bring up the info.
  • no news from lawyers on 501c3
  • 990 is in progress for last 4 years, Steve will turn in to Ali our lawyer this week
  • no progress on area host limited amount bank cards
  • laser loan- we havent heard from chase why its not on our statement
  • audit- steve didnt have a chance to work on it this week
  • we're thinking of making the position of shop cop or to mae that part of the responsiibilities of the general area host
  • member flipped out at one of our neighbors which caused us problems with our landlords. we talked about how this is bad.
  • present board members voted unanimously to remove james from his position as kitchen area host. The position is now vacant.
  • smoke detectors- can a member help with purchasing and installation?
  • present board members voted unanimously to authorize up to $200 to purchase smoke/carbon monoxide detectors for all areas of the space
  • insurance documentation has a filing error- we are not yet a NFP officially and it seems to say we are
  • we also may want to add more coverage to our insurance- what we have isnt crazy expensive,we can afford something with a little better coverage
  • bylaws- we've made it through section 7- we probably can get through the rest of the bylaws with just one more meetup session- we have tentatively agreed to meet at 8 next monday to go through them one last time.
  • electrician sent eric a shopping list for what we'll need for the electrical safety update
  • Dillon and Rhonda get a membership point
  • Membership Report -
    • Full Members: 76
    • Starving Hacker: 157
    • Friends of PS1: 2
    • Total: 235

Meeting end: 8:19