Board Meeting Notes 2024-05-21

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2024-05-21 2024 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2024-06-04 >>

Meeting Start:


  • Board Members
    • James L.
    • Donzell G.
    • V
    • Eric
    • Ilya

  • Other Members
    • Andrew M.
    • Andrew W.
    • Sky



Discussion on previous minutes

  • No comments

Consent Agenda

Committee Reports

Reports from Committees

General. No updates.

Industrial CNC update. Vcarve updates are in the works Shapoko and aktek need to be added to the domain. Will be addressed at the saturday tech team meeting.

CTO Update. Internet has been acting poorly lately. Bandage solution of reboot every 2 days is being applied. Attempt will be made to resolve that on Saturday durring the tech meeting.


  • Nothing notable

Financial Report

  • Chase Checking: $
  • Chase Savings: $
  • PEX: $
  • PayPal: $

Membership Report

  • Number of Members: 638
  • Quorum: 63


Login link:

    • Tickets have been light recently.

New Business

Ilya. Moving away June 7th. People are sad.

Closed meeting. Andrew Wingate and Jennie were retained.

Sky missing materials.

30x30 ish pieces of ply and some smaller pieces. Painted clear and drying green ticket in place.

Specific request. Need to know what happened or if items are still recoverable.

Window of dissapearance. May 11th to 13th.

Motion to close meeting by James, Eric 2nd.

Old Business

Eric update. Jennie said she was talking to the landlord and eric has stepped back. James is only just hearing of this.


  • Vote to check the cameras from May 11th to May 13th in search of sky's missing materials.
    • For 5 / Against 0 / Abstain 0
  • Vote to add Nick Hawley as a woodshop authorizer.
    • For 5 / Against 0 / Abstain 0