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The Kitchen is one of the areas that has an area host here at PS:One. The kitchen was built out of necessity to have a place to cook and started out by having a hot plate, a broken microwave and a broken refrigerator in a corner of the workshop. The only group that regularly meets in the space is Beer Church, but other events spontaneously or sporadically occur. If you are interested in hosting a class or have a suggestion for a group or class, please email kitchen{at}

Kitchen June 38, 2014.jpeg
Hosted Since: June 16, 2014
Location: 1st Floor Between Lounge and Shop area
Equipment: Category:Kitchen Equipment
Area Host Contact Details
Name: Ashley Shewmaker
Other Contact: Slack @kitschwitch
Office Hours: N/A
Certifications: N/A

Area Rules

  1. Clean up after yourself! If you see others not doing so please politely ask them to!
  2. Cook things!
  3. Brew beer!
  4. Ferment stuff!
  5. Follow the fridge regulations!

Fridge Regulations

How to store:

  • Markers and tape are provided for you to label and date your items to store in the fridge or designated pantry area. If you do not label your item, it is subject to public consumption. Label whatever you put in the fridge, below is some info that is useful:
    • Your name // Who can we contact
    • Date // Items will be thrown out after a week of the expiration date or if there is no expiration date it will be thrown out exactly one week after it was put there.
  • If you are going to store any kind of meat or produce for a long period of time we highly recommend putting it in freezer side.
  • Drinks that perish or smell bad will be tossed out. Storing beer is ok just as long as it doesn't take up too much space for a long time.

Tools Available

Click on an image to view more about the tool.

Using the tools

If it belongs to PS:One, please be nice to the tools. If they belong to a member who is awesome enough to loan us their personal gear, make sure you treat it extra nice.
