Firestorm drill

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Firestorm drill
Owner/Loaner {{{owner}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Make/Model {{{model}}}
Arrival Date {{{arrived}}}
Usability no
Contact {{{contact}}}
Where Removed
Authorization Needed {{{certification}}}
Hackable {{{hackable}}}
Estimated Value {{{value}}}
Host Area Removed

Firestorm drill {{{owner}}} Area: Removed

Property "Has value" (as page type) with input value "{{{value}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Firestorm drill.jpg

Firestorm drill {{{owner}}} Area: {{{hostarea}}}


This tool was recently dusted off, photographed and added to Wiki. It is not known if it is operational.