Sawstop Industrial Table Saw

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Sawstop Industrial Table Saw
Owner/Loaner PS:One
Serial Number SI 193301732
Make/Model Model ICS 73230 7.5HP 220V
Arrival Date 1/110/2020
Usability yes
Contact Wood Shop Area Host
Where Wood Shop
Authorization Needed yes
Hackable NO
Estimated Value $5,735.38
Host Area Wood Shop

Sawstop Industrial Table Saw Area: Wood Shop

Authorization for this tool by authorized proctors only. Members not previously Authorized must take the CANVAS course at

Authorized Proctors

Ron Olson
Eric Beauchamp
Ralph Brendler
Brenda Calfin
Joe Staffa


July 17 2020. User reported kickback and then saw stopped and won’t restart. Woodshop team has tested breakers and safety lockout mechanisms. Troubleshooting continues.

August 6. After replacing parts on saw, final part of fix was replacing breaker in panel. Circuit overloaded lugs but did not trip breaker.

Sept 2021. Fence guide ruler shredded. Replaced gn

Sept 24 2021. Report that the blade stopped motor stopped and smoke was billowing from motor box and ductwork. After a long rest, it was tested and no fault found. Stress tested 9/26 and put back into service. Gn

March -may 2022. Long series of machine errors ranging from false brake firings to blade rot error code to no power at controller. Lots of troubleshooting and blade brake replacements. Also replaces start cap.per sawstop direction. Worked short while then happened again. On

may 19, EB replaced run capacitor. Hoping that this works.

Thruout may and June 2022 we have replaced nearly every electrical /electronic part as well as fixing an issue in the breaker panel. EricB in communications with sawstop. —gn

6/30/2022 gn and DE discussed another troubleshooting approach

7/7/2022 eric replaced several remaining electronic parts. it seems to be working now.

this very heavy duty version of the SawStop was installed January 2020


  1. Do not move the machine ever.
  2. Never use the table as a work surface.
  3. Always have the dust collection on. Turn it on before you plug in the saw and off after you unplug the saw.
  4. Always check your material on the blade before you spin up the blade. If the light turns red, DO NOT CUT.
  5. Always check your wood for nails or staples. If you're not sure, check the entire piece with a magnet.
  6. If you break something, or damage the saw, contact the area host immediately. Don't let others do more damage or hurt themselves by using a broken tool.
  7. Always dust the entire machine when you are done. Also check the motor compartment after every use and vacuum out as needed.

Additional Information

Dado Stack

Dado stack use requires separate authorization. Ostensibly it's through the canvas course, but that just refers you to the Pumping Station One calendar. Your best bet may be to message the woodshop Discord channel (web based link), and if possible ask for the authorization before or after a regular Woodshop authorization.

SawStop saws support 8″ dado sets only. The optional dado brake cartridge must be used for dado cuts. It has a larger brake pawl designed to stop the multiple blades in a dado set. In addition, you will also need to use a zero-clearance insert specifically for the dado set.

The dado stack is stored in the center metal cabinet under the hand tools bench. It’s labeled. The dado brake should also be stored there tho it sometimes appears in “nightstand 2” with extra splitters etc.

The zero clearance insert is with other inserts and feather boards and pushers in small “nightstand” under right side table extension.

Sacrificial Fence

The Sacrificial Fence requires the dado stack authorization to have been completed.

A sacrificial fence is used in combination with the dado stack to create rebates (grooves) at the edges of boards. Trying to make a rebate at the edge of a board without a sacrificial fence in place will result in damage to the rip fence.

The sacrificial fence is placed on top of the standard table saw rip fence and secured with the screws on the back side. Ensure that the fence is square to the table while tightening the set screws, and that the fence is flush with the front of the rip fence. Then, slide the fence over top of the dado stack, adjusting the fence for the desired rebate width. Adjust the blade height for the desired depth of rebate.

It is stored in the outfeed table. See the table saw jigs page.

See: beginning at minute 8 for a demonstration of how the sacrificial fence works.

sleds n jigs n such

Blade Brake

This saw is equipped with a safety feature that will (hopefully) stop the blade when it contacts something conductive-- like your hand. However, that means you normally can't cut conductive things with this saw or you will trigger the safety brake. This is good if it was your hand in the way, but it also destroys the sawblade and requires installation of a replacement part that costs $70+ every time. And the saw will be down until the replacement can be installed.

According to the owner's manual: "Conductive materials such as aluminum and other metals, carbon fiber materials, mirrored acrylic, carbon-filled materials, etc. will typically cause the brake to activate." [Emphasis added.]

Other things that may trigger the brake include wet wood, and wood with embedded nails or staples. Lexan and green pressure-treated wood reportedly can also be a problem. That is why the rules instruct you to check your material on the side of the blade before spinning it up, and to check your wood for nails or staples!


  • There's an m8 hole drilled and tapped in the mitre gauge. The post from a magnetic base of our dial indicators thread in. The post may require a spacer so the threads don't stick out (use a stack of washers or a larger-than-m8 nut).
  • The right hand table adjusting screw was bent while aligning the table. The table was aligned without it. Aligning the arbor tilt axis will be *really tough* without a replacement. (Part #11 in the cabinet and table exploded diagram in the manual p98)
  • The rear rip fence rail has places to put 4 countersunk allen bolts. The left hand bolt screwed into the main table was too long and made contact with an internal table part (probably the rear trunion). It probably pushed the table out of alignment and caused binding while re-aligning the table. That bolt was left out. Don't replace it!

Training Links

Manual download [1]


  • Power beaker Switch is in hot metals shop panel.