Board Meeting Notes 2014-01-07

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2013-12-17 2014 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2014-01-14 >>

Meeting start: 7:20 pm


Board Members

  • Eric
  • Josh
  • Bry
  • Hailey (teleconferencing)
  • Farkas (teleconferencing)

Other Members

  • Everett
  • Derek
  • Hef


  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check the inbox weekly.
  • Member leaving reason report
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.
  • review
  • check talk page for board meeting notes, see if any discussion on the agenda took place
  • new business
  • old business
  • go over Trello

Trello things

New Business

  • Board vote: Change dues to be a bit more if you aren't using scheduled payments. This isn't a solidly figured out thing yet. Discuss.

Old Business

  • Electric bill due 12/2, Farkas should have the info he needs from Eric by the time of the meeting
  • Monica now scans
  • Getting SSL encrypted logins for the blog.
    • It would be a very bad idea to do domain logins for the Wordpress blog unless we are able to keep end to end encryption of username/password data. From what I gather, we would need to upgrade to a business account with Paigly (PS:1's hosted Wordpress vendor) in order to get this. I'd like a final yes or no on whether or not this is a route we want to go, and to either have this happen or get permission/access to make this happen. --Hef (talk) 13:13, 10 November 2013 (CST)
    • This has been on the todo list for three weeks. Let's make sure we actually get to this. --Bry (talk) 00:42, 30 November 2013 (CST)
    • Josh will be working on this tonight (1/7/14).



  • Agenda
    • read mail
      • Got a letter from TA Cummings. Is a certificate of insurance for liquor. Farkas will email insurance and ask if property and general insurance coming. (Farkas)
      • One is an invoice from TA Cummings.
    • Financial/membership report.
      • Steve went over financial and membership report.
    • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
      • Steve went over paypal and banking transactions.
    • Check the inbox weekly.
      • Nothing.
    • Member leaving reason report
      • Mostly the typical reasons (money, moving, etc).
      • One was a problem getting certified in the woodshop.
    • review
    • check talk page for board meeting notes, see if any discussion on the agenda took place
    • new business
    • old business
  • Trello To Do
    • Equipment loan agreement - Need to review documentn from Ed.
    • Tool cage area host applications - Defer to next week, so that we can talk in person. Hailey will send out application deadline. (Hailey)
    • Spend up to $100 on fire extinguisher mounting stuff - no progress.
    • Sue the old landlord - no progress.
    • Non-paypal people tracked correctly in Zoho? - no progress. We should get Steve off of this task.
    • Fix join page "for other people" information - We need information on how to buy memberships for other people on our join page.
    • Talk to chris knight about employee - Chris Knight is not responding to Bry's email inquiry about needing emails from people he bought memberships for. Forwarded thread to Toba to take care of. (Toba)
    • Anna's reimbursements for 2013 - Anna is not here this week and we will be reimbursing her next week.
  • Trello Doing
    • Work out meetup theft - Will email Ish again. (Toba)
    • Limited amount cards with names for area hosts, up to their budget limits - no progress
    • fix address on liability waiver, other problems with liability waiver - no progress
    • Approve $122.08 for shelves for safe - Steve will send Bry the money tonight. (Farkas)
    • Solving the "I need to give steve this receipt, but where is he?" issue - Scanner is set up. Still needs physical or virtual documentation. Bry sent 3 documents, but steve only received one.
    • Contact Insurer about additional insured for landlord - in progress. Landlord should certificate of insurance. Need to confirm with landlord. Farkas will email Dan. (Farkas)
    • Flourish wrapup paperwork for donation from Flourish 2013 - no progress. Toba will send Bry TIN.
    • Liability Insurance review with Goldstein et. al - Ed sent out a document.
    • Get building electrical systems to a good state - Toba will be transitioning this from himself in preparation for leaving the board. He will be entering items from his brain into the wiki page. (Toba)
    • Corporate Filings - no progress. Dependent upon trello financials.
  • Trello Financials
    • All transactions in for 2013, need to classify transactions for board votes. Will then work on budget. Then, work on historical transactions.
  • Trello Done
    • Annual report 2013 - Done, but need to reimburse Bry $36.25.
    • Address the fact that we have a big expensive mill now and the insurance company doesn't know that - Done, and will be getting an invoice for $53.
    • Reactivate paypal membership of - Done, archived.
    • Bry proposes to give 2 member points each for Tucker, Z, and Bart for the mill - Done, archived.
    • - Barton Dring - not in zoho - Done, archived.
    • give jerry ac circuits point - Done, archived.
    • Who is deputizing the tidyspace helpers? - Done, archived.


  • Voted to reimburse Bry $36.25 for filing the annual report. All present board members voted yes.
  • Voted to delegate signing Comcast contract to Eric. All present board members voted yes.

Membership Report

  • full members: 97
  • starving hackers: 190
  • friend: 1
  • total: 288

Meeting end: 8:12pm