Board Meeting Notes 2024-07-16

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2024-07-02 2024 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2024-08-06 >>

Meeting Start:


  • Board Members
    • lindsay
    • uve
    • donzel
    • james
    • v
    • carl
    • joe
  • Other Members
    • ron
    • sky
    • lisa
    • elizabeth
    • riley
    • april
    • bjon
    • julia
    • ruben
    • andrew m



Discussion on previous minutes

  • No comments

Consent Agenda

Committee Reports

Reports from Committees

  • woodshop
    • woodshop air conditioner out of service again - clogged again  
      • dont walk under ice on the lines
      • needs to be cleaned - will not get done tonight
      • needs more filters etc.
      • may need to change the location of the intake? could be very expensive - wouldnt really want to do this unless we buy the building
      • there is just too much dust in the air in the woodshop
      • air filter for the woodshop to clean the air that is outside of the normal dust collection system
      • maybe need to touchbase with area host on shopbot to enforce no compressed air
  • gen ops
    • andrew has quote for new dumpster - need to move off of waste mgmt if we can.
    • where is the contract ? look for previous invoices - need to locate terms of our agreement.
    • we need to find the next cancellation window and make sure it is cancelled
    • adrew will handle waste management
  • CTO
    • internet working
  • Memeber Management Team (MMT)
    • cue is light, system is stable
    • membership count is currently:
      • 43 volunteers
      • 694 active members
      • 753 including volunteers - thee is a discrepency between counts
      • there are a number of members who need to be deactivated
      • roughly 580 members are paying dues per month
      • scholarship seat number codified anywhere? no - currently at 15 seats
        • possibly increase : should it instead be a percentage of actual members?
    • at 76% budget is spent
    • there is a spreadsheet that contains the donations from the box in the area
    • its hard to meter / quantify
    • can we get sponsored?
  • Financial
    • seem to be breaking even currently?
    • landlord is in contact - we want to buy the building eventually
      • is the landlord willing to sell it to us?


  • Nothing notable


Login link:

New Business

Riley is suggesting v should be removed as vp. from slack conversation.

Riley sites things v has said online. She states "it is disgusting and demeaning that the vp should suggest that transgender people have higher rates of criminality." Riley, believes V needs to resign and if he does not the board should remove him. Riley indicates the record she read was from slack.

V states he would like to remain silent at this time.

Ruben wanted to point to the recent conversation over slack - he feels this is a systemic issue. Abrasive towards other members - reflection on the culture of the space. What is the accountability for being unkind? Concerns him as a member that it reflects extremely poorly on the organization. Ruben is concerned about the liability that is present to the organization because of inaction on complaints.

Julia also has other complaints with regard to V.

Board will schedule a closed meeting to further discuss these issues - we will send communication regarding this.  

Old Business
