Board Meeting Notes 2024-08-06

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2024-07-16 2024 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2024-08-20 >>

Meeting Start:


  • Board Members
    • James
    • V
    • Peter
    • Donzell
    • Uwe
    • Lindsay
    • Joe
  • Other Members
    • Ron
    • Andrew W


  • Consent Agenda
  • Committee Reports
  • Read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Member leaving reason reports
  • Check Freshdesk queue
  • New business
  • Old business


Discussion on previous minutes

  • None

Consent Agenda

  • Yes

Committee Reports

Reports from Committees

  • Tech Team

Internet works great. Planning to add RFID to more locations.

  • MMT

Storage audit is almost done. Probably 10 spaces available on catwalk.

  • GenOps

Woodshop AirCon is posessed. Probably doesn't like the ammount of wood dust.


  • Junk (about 5 inches)

Financial Report

  • Chase Checking:
  • Chase Savings:

Membership Report

  • Number of Members: 683
  • Quorum:

Member Leaving Reason Reports

  • Credit cards still disappear from member accounts.


Login link:

New Business

  • Trash service company has been changed. (Andrew W to give update)

Contract has been signed with Flood Brothers. September first is the switchover from Waste Management to Flood Brothers.

  • Cleaning Day Recap?

Cleaning day went well and was very well attended.

  • Theo requests comped membership for loaned tools due to not being active. (potential vote)


  • James vote to purchase cameras to cover blind areas that were a problem recently.


  • Select volunteer purge status

Spreadsheet of current volunteers almost complete.

  • Brief membership agreement review
  • Mention of how i3 Detroit handles publicising banned people.

Old Business

  • Eric Landlord Communication update?

Eric talked to dan about a week ago and he wanted to meet in person so that will hopefully happen within a week and a half.

  • Woodshop AC status?

Committee Report above.

  • Hot Metals budget concerns.

We will be running a 2024 supplementary budget vote. Need to message members.

  • James added all previous meeting minutes in his possession to the wiki as of 08/05/24


Vote to make Theo an authorizer for the coffee roaster.

  • For: ALL

Vote to purchase 4 additional cameras to cover blind spots that were an issue in recent events. Locations being: Electronics, General (Above Tormach), Stairwell, Front sidewalk/door.

  • For: James, V, Peter, Donzell, Uwe, Lindsay
  • Abstain: Joe